Welcome to another exciting year at Al Sanawbar School! Your child deserves our very best therefore, our goal is to know each student by name, strength and need. We are committed to equipping students with 21st Century Skills, including the use of technology, critical thinking skills and innovation to ensure our students are college and career ready. In the coming school year, we will continue to work on improving our reading, writing and math progress with a multi-tiered system of support that includes additional instructional support to enhance our students’ access to math and literacy content.
As a staff, we will continue to focus our learning on the Common Core State Standards, in addition to the Ministry of Education curriculum in Arabic, Religion and Social Studies. We have high expectations for our students; we are working to strengthen their critical thinking skills, this will enable them to do the deep thinking asked of them.
To support the whole child, we focus on serving their social, emotional and relational needs in addition to academics. We do this by using a research-based model called Positive Behavior Intervention Supports, which is a system wide approach to creating safer and more effective schools with school-wide and classroom discipline systems.
In addition, we have policies and practices to prevent bullying and keep our school safe. As a way to honor the hard work of our students, we have several different ways to celebrate growth and success. Students are celebrated during the morning assemblies throughout the year. We also celebrate students in each classroom, they are acknowledged for progress and growth in academics and citizenship.
Partnering with our families is one important key to student success. We look forward to continuing to offer more opportunities for families to be involved in our school community. We have several different ways that you can get involved. You can help our school be a better place by volunteering to work in classrooms, help on the playground, help in the parking lot, and much more. All you need to do is fill out the volunteer paperwork in the office. We appreciate our parents’ dedication to making our school a positive and engaging community.
This year we will host our annual “Al Sanawbar’s got Talent” performance. Al Sanawbar students are talented, we want to celebrate and support their abilities and hard work. We will also continue to celebrate our students’ athletic abilities with inter-school competitions and Sports Days each term.
We are looking forward to another great year at Al Sanawbar! We welcome your ideas and your partnership.
Mrs. Rima Sarieddine,
Principal of Al Sanawbar School Alain -UAE